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Text File | 1993-06-23 | 6.5 KB | 158 lines | [TEXT/McSk] |
- ( Apple Events for Pocket Forth )
- \ Be sure that you are running this file on a COPY of
- \ the Pocket Forth application [not the DA]. Close the
- \ window if you need to quit and make a back up copy.
- \ If this is a backup, press return to continue.
- key drop
- page forget task decimal 0 28 +md !
- \ Define Apple Event handlers by using ae: and ;ae. Start the
- \ definition by putting an event type and class on the stack and
- \ calling ae: . Follow with code comprising the handler, then
- \ end the handler with ;ae .
- ( get AEDesc handle from an Apple Event )
- : ?DESC ( d.key d.type -- desc.handle desc.type -1 or 0 )
- 0 >r ( room for error )
- 202 +md 2@ 2>r ( the AppleEvent handle )
- 2swap 2>r 2>r ( keyword and type )
- here a>r ( recieving address )
- ,$ 303C ,$ 812 ,$ A816 ( AEGetParamDesc: move #$812,d0 _Pack8 )
- r> 0= IF ( if there is no error )
- here 4 + 2@ here 2@ -1 ( get data & leave true )
- ELSE 0 THEN ; ( or else leave false )
- : -DESC ( addr.where.desc.is.stored -- error ) ( remove desc rec. )
- 0 >r a>r ( push room and descriptor )
- ,$ 303C ,$ 0204 ,$ A816 ( AEDisposeDesc: move #$0204,d0 _Pack8 )
- r> ;
- \ Reply to an Apple Event with a string
- : REPLY ( addr count -- ) \ **** USE INSIDE OF A HANDLER ONLY ****
- 0 >r \ put room for error on rstack
- 198 +md 2@ 2>r \ put the ReplyEvent handle on rstack
- ,s ---- 2>r ,s TEXT 2>r \ put keyword and type on rstack
- swap a>r 0 2>r \ put addr & count on rs from pstack
- ,$ 303C ,$ 0A0F ,$ A816 \ AEPutParamPtr: move #$A0F,d0 _Pack8
- r> drop ; \ ignore any error
- ( Do Script Apple Event: misc dosc )
- ( Run a 80 character line of text as Pocket Forth code. )
- ( This word is installed into the idle handler by the dosc event. )
- ( In order to exit into the interpreter the main part of the code )
- ( is run outside of the “ae: ... ;ae” pair )
- 2variable DDATA 4 allot ( d.type d.handle )
- variable OIDLE 20 +md @ oidle ! ( hold the old idle routine addr )
- : DIDLE ( -- ) ( interpret text whose handle is at above variable )
- oidle @ 20 +md ! ( first reset idle routine to null )
- ( movea.l dd+4[bp],a0 ) ,$ 206B [ ddata 4 + , ] \ theHandle
- ( _GetHandleSize ) ,$ A025 \ bytes to move in d0
- ( movea.l [a0],a0 ) ,$ 2050 \ source address in a0
- ( movea.l a4,a1 ) ,$ 224C \ tib is destination in a1
- 78 [ ' min 2+ compile ] drop \ 78 bytes max in d0
- ( _BlockMove ) ,$ A02E \ move data to input stream
- ddata -desc \ dispose of descriptor
- 0= IF \ if there is no error
- 13 tib 80 + c! \ put cr at of end of i.s.
- interpret \ jump to interpreter
- THEN ;
- \ The apple event handler for the 'dosc' (do script) event.
- ,s dosc ,s misc ae: ( d.eventType d.eventClass -- )
- ,s ---- ,s TEXT ?desc IF \ get handle to data
- ddata 2! ddata 4 + 2! \ store descriptor record
- 20 +md @ oidle ! \ hold idle routine
- [ ' dIdle literal ] 20 +md ! \ set idle routine to dIdle
- \ it will execute on the next
- THEN ;ae \ trip through the event loop
- ( Paste Apple Event: misc past )
- ( Like the dosc event, the past event installs part of its handler)
- ( into the idle routine, run the next time through the event loop.)
- ( temporary idle routine for the Paste handler )
- : PIDLE ( -- ) ( run the Paste menu handler )
- oidle @ 20 +md ! ( reset idle routine to origonal )
- [ 18 +md @ ( -- menus variable: address of menu list )
- 2+ @ ( -- Edit menu )
- 8 + @ ( -- Paste handler )
- compile ] ( compile Paste handler routine for idle )
- interpret [ ( jump to interpreter )
- ( Paste Apple Event handler )
- ,s past ,s misc ae:
- 20 +md @ oidle ! ( hold on to origonal idle )
- [ ' pIdle literal ] 20 +md ! ( set idle routine to above )
- ;ae
- \ Message is a defining word for setting up strings for REPLYing
- : MESSAGE" \ compiling: ( -- ) enclose subsequent quoted string
- CREATE 34 word here c@ 1+ dup 2 mod + allot
- DOES> count ; \ runtime action: ( -- addr count )
- message" SERROR Empty stack."
- message" UERROR Unknown type."
- \ represent numbers as strings
- : D$ ( d -- addr count ) \ convert double number to string
- depth 1 > IF swap over dabs <# #s sign #>
- ELSE serror THEN ;
- : F$ ( f -- addr count )
- depth 4 > IF
- @pen 2>r 10 +md @ >r 30000 10 +md ! \ move pen offscreen
- 3000 3000 !pen f. \ print float: string is at here
- r> 10 +md ! 2r> !pen \ return pen to origonal position
- here count
- ELSE serror THEN ;
- : I$ ( n -- addr count ) depth IF s>d d$ ELSE serror THEN ;
- : S$ ( addr -- addr+1 count ) depth IF count ELSE serror THEN ;
- variable DTYPE 4 allot 4 dtype ! \ length is allways 4
- : ?DTYPE ( d -- flag ) \ true if d = dtype+2
- dtype 2+ 2@ dnegate d+ + 0= ;
- \ Evaluate Apple Event: ( misc,eval )
- \ From HyperCard: request 'float' of program 'Pocket Forth'
- \ Or from Frontier: pf.request("float")
- \ misc,eval takes data from the stack and returns it in various
- \ forms depending on the ---- parameter.
- \ FLOA = floating point number
- \ SHOR = 16 bit integer
- \ LONG = 32 bit integer
- \ STRI = pascal type string
- ( The apple event handler for the 'eval' event. )
- ,s eval ,s misc ae:
- ,s ---- ,s TEXT ?desc IF \ if there is no error
- 2drop dtype 2+ a>r \ hold addr on rstack
- ,$ 7004 ( moveq.l #4,d0 ) \ bytes to move in d0
- ,$ 205E ( movea.l [ps]+,a0 ) \ handle in a0
- ,$ 2050 ( movea.l [a0],a0 ) \ source address in a0
- ,$ 225F ( movea.l [sp]+,a1 ) \ destination in a1
- ,$ A02E ( _BlockMove ) \ move data to here
- dtype 1+ upper \ move it to dtype
- ,s SHOR ?dtype IF i$ ELSE \ short requested
- ,s LONG ?dtype IF d$ ELSE \ long requested
- ,s FLOA ?dtype IF f$ ELSE \ float requested
- ,s STRI ?dtype IF s$ ELSE \ string requested
- uerror \ other request
- : task ; ( protect this from "forget task" )
- -1 28 +md ! save bye